

1 Box is a fast-growing Self-Storage company that belongs to the top 3 in the Netherlands with the most number of branches. They have opened their own Self Storage branches and have taken over existing companies with which SC Solutions already did business. And that’s not all. 1 Box does not sit still and continues to grow, using the Self-Storage package Store 365, from the Dutch Store-IT, with which SC Solutions has a good cooperation and links.

SC Solutions is proud to realize access automation at 1 Box with our package of SC Access, keypads for access, speaking listening stations, Boxwatchers, cameras and hard disk recorders. We have also been able to provide some branches with barriers and access columns.


1 Box


2008:     Leeuwarden

2008:     Liempde – (2021 expansion)

2009:     Goes – (2021 expansion)

2009:    Sittard – (2012 and 2021 extentions)

2010:     Bergen op Zoom – (2020 and 2022 extentions)

2011:     Best – (2021 expansion)

2012:    Groningen

2012:     Venlo

2014:     Heerlen

2015:     Den Bosch (2021 expansion)

2016:     Rijswijk

2020:     Hellevoetsluis

2021:     Breda

2021:    Tilburg

2022:     Barendrecht

2022:     Utrecht

For 2022/2023 there is a new location of 1Box in our planning:


Here we can install our access system SC Access, in combination with keypads for access.